My painting in RADIUS 250 exhibition

A juried exhibition of works from artists withing a 250 mile radius of Richmond VA opens on June 26 at the Artspace Gallery at Plant Zero in Richmond VA. 67 works were selected out of hundreds of entries. I am pleased that my recent painting Break of Dawn (see image below) will be included in this exhibition. I had a vision of this painting suddenly appear in my mind’s eye over a year ago, and it almost painted itself…Thinking of a series, but working in series is my achilles’  heel. The Gallery is beautiful – large, well-lit, high ceilings, exposed duct work. It is in the Plant Zero art complex, a sort of Richmond Torpedo Factory. Some really good art selected for the show – worth a visit to Richmond.  Delivering the piece, I discovered that Richmond houses the Virginia Holocaust Museum. I plan to check that out…

Break of dawn

Succesful Opening!

We had a wonderful opening of Milgrom on Morandi at Cross MacKenzie on Friday night. Gallerist Rebecca Cross and I were in perfect sync about wanting a clean, somewhat sparse, minimalist arrangement of the pieces to mirror Georgio Morandi’s atmospheric works. My ceramic groupings and paintings inspired by his body of work were destined to be shown at Cross MacKenzie. Not only was the gallery a perfect fit, but Rebecca herself has a background as a still life painter, ceramicist and Morandi fan! We had a large lively crowd and a good time was had by all! If you didn’t make the opening, please drop in – the show will be up through mid-September.